Hi Richard and fellow Nikon users,

>    I have an FM2n that's two years old.  The camera works great, no
>problems.  However, I am interested to know if these cameras should be
>checked out or "tuned up" periodically.  Do any of you know if Nikon
>recommends such a periodic checkup/overaul?  Thanks.

  In Singapore, Nikon (ie. Shriro Pte Ltd) does not specifically recommends
annual servicing.  Neither is that a habit of most amatuer/semi-pro users,
even though the cost of servicing is relatively low.  In NZ, I believe the
situation is similar but the servicing charges cost a lot more compared to
Singapore.  Pros, however, might have their cameras serviced on a regular
basis....at least that's what I have been told by Canon Club (which camera I
also use) for their pool of pros.

  However, there used to be a local (Singapore) photo show that was held
annually.  In that show, the public can bring their camera and have it
tested for timing (shutter speed accuracy) and metering.  But the photo show
hasn't been held this year (probably due to cost cutting measures and the
economic crisis).

  Strictly speaking, the FM2n's (and most mechanical bodies') mechanical
shutter (timing) may be out of sync over a period of extensive use or abuse.
You could have it serviced and calibrated.  However, having used quite a few
Nikons before (including the FM2n), I notice that older bodies can often be
about 1/3-1 EV stop off (could be due to metering or shutter timing).  But I
have seldom (if ever) had the bodies serviced for that.  Instead, I just
make do and adjust my shooting accordingly.  That is to say, bear in mind
the adjustment that needs to be made.  This is a cheaper way than having it
serviced which would also mean down time for me.  My reason is that if the
meter or shutter timing is off, its likely to be off constantly throughout
the entire metering or shutter speed range.  But the sponging does need to
be changed when it gets all mushy as it can peel off and jam moving parts
(eg. shutter/mirror).

  My first Nikon, a F601, still takes pictures that are quite well exposed.
And its been dropped before (don't ask) and the flash housing cracked.  The
FM2n is designed for quite a bit of punishment.  I believe that a UK photo
mag once drove a small tank over it and it worked fine (although the
viewfinder had relocated).

  Hope that helped.

Deric Soh.

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