I got my Nikkormat EL late last week, thanks to all of you who 
     recommended it. Some questions now that I have it in my hands: There 
     don't seem to be any stops as you change aperture on the lens--it 
     doesn't click at 5.6 or 8 as you turn it...is that normal? Also, this 
     may sound dumb, but the shutters on my EL and F2 sound very different, 
     the F2 makes a solid "CHCK" at 1/125, where the EL makes a "CHNG"-a 
     more metallic sound--the foam looks okay, do other ELs sound like 
     this? Finally, are there any performance advantages between a vertical 
     and horizontal shutter? 
     On another note, I came across a copy of the "Nikon/Nikkormat 
     Handbook", published by AMPhoto ($4 at a used book sale). Its this big 
     binder production with schematics and specs. on Nikon's line around 
     1976 or so, including Nikkormats, the F, F2, n-AI and early AI lenses. 
     Thought I'd offer to make copies of any information anyone on the 
     digest may need, since I can't be much help advising on N90s and 

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