> From: Thomas Heissel Dall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: With or without pop-flash [v04.n134/8]

>         Now, I really like the features of the F90 and the F4,
> and would prefer one of these to the F70, but alas, I will have
> to hire somebody to carry camera+equipment for me :-)
> >         Maybe I should just buy a decent P&S camera and use
> my FE2 for more "serious" work? How do you manage to have your
> flash ready for those candid shots (both in- and outdoors)
> without breaking your spine? Having said this: Why should I buy
> a F90/F4 instead of a P&S to supplement my FE2?

I have three boys, an N90, SB-28 and dog . . .  I got the N90 
because of durability.  I know more people with their third P&S 
camera.  Catching the kids playing soccer with the fast autofocus 
is great fun.  It really catches them close up and in focus.  As far 
as the flash.  You do have to carry it, but my wife uses the camera 
also and we split up carrying things on hikes, etc.  While at one 
sons last performance in school,  we sat about 30 feet back and 
used a 200  zoom and got close and the flash worked great even 
with the large room and distance.  I do like just having one lens (28-
200) on trips because you do have enough to carry with kids( and 
things tend to get hard use.)

Michael O'Hara
Galehouse Construction

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