> Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998 16:49:44 +0000 (WET)
> From: Thomas Heissel Dall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: With or without pop-flash [v04.n134/8]

>         Maybe I should just buy a decent P&S camera and use
> my FE2 for more "serious" work? How do you manage to have your
> flash ready for those candid shots (both in- and outdoors)
> without breaking your spine? Having said this: Why should I buy
> a F90/F4 instead of a P&S to supplement my FE2?

        Because a P&S can't give you the usual roughness that
        makes the Nikon a perfect blunt weapon :)

        Seriously though, for the list of features you originally
        listed, I'm not certain you can attain all those in a P&S.
        Or if you can, you'll be approaching the cost of an N90s.

        Keep in mind that you'll also be able to keep using all
        your current lenses on your N90s (though with spot/CW
        metering only, and aperture & manual exp. modes only).

        As far as managing to have the flash ready, well I have
        a pretty good idea when I get my camera out what kind of
        pictures I'll be taking.  On Thanksgiving, for example,
        I know it'll be indoor flash photography, so I just put
        my SB25 onto my N90 before the guests arrive and set it
        on "standby."  When I go home for Christmas and get up
        in the morning for opening the presents, I'll have the
        flash on again ready to go for when my nephews start
        to tear into their gifts.   ... maybe I'm over-simplifying,
        but I think it's just a matter of knowing, generally, what
        you're gonna be photographing.  When I go hiking w/ my
        fiancee' to do nature photography, I *carry* the flash
        w/ me just in case I need some fill, but I don't keep it
        on the camera cuz I mostly don't use/need it.

        My 1st camera was an FE2, and I love it and still have it.
        But I bought the N90 a couple years later, and love it for
        the reasons you mention -- spot meter, more advanced flash,
        autofocus, etc.  Though the FE2 w/ its manual cable release
        was the camera of choice last week to (try to) capture the
        Leonids :)

        Good luck!

Some of life's most exciting moments   | Chris Somers
 are spent near the middle of the      | Rise Technology
 food chain rather than on the top.    | www.rise.com
-> Richard Nelson (anthropologist)     | Gallery: www.flash.net/~jboy

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