Now that the F100 his being released in January, surely the F110 can't
be far behind. Does anyone have an idea of when that will be? Reputedly this
new flagship Prosumer camera will feature the secretly developed (maybe Ed
Yost knows of this, but he's not letting on) MC system (master composer?).
The camera will come integrally mounted on a miniature robotic swivel joint,
on special headgear. This headgear will only be available through the
Advanced systems dealer, no mail order or gray market !!! At the time of
purchase, a special Cerebral Advanced Topographic Scan (CATS) will be made
of the purchasers head and within 48 hours the computer modeled advanced
polycarbonate mounting system will be at your door. Apparently the new
generation copper chip the size of a postage stamp will contain an
upgradable image library of close to 600,000 images. In scan mode the camera
compares all input data (lighting conditions, composition, user preferences
etc.) to the data base and composes the image in a 2000th of a second!
Preferences can be user set to Steiglitz, Adams, Winogrand, Capa, Kertesz
      Purportedly it also contains a built in advanced polymer LCD filter
that responds to electrical input to compensate for any filter factor. This
filter has been under tight wraps, but I've heard it can selectively become
a neutral density filter over only small portions of the lens area, bringing
any scene to with in the exposure limits for color transparency film. No
more fill flash!!
      Seriously, has anyone heard if the new 100 will have Mirror Lockup?
The other new specs look good. 96% finder coverage, built in
Auto-Bracketing, 2 stop analog display (hopefully a la 8008) and no goofy
multiprogram modes.

- Ben Walters
  Asheville, NC

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