Hi all,
I'm lookin for some info on an enlarging lens  EL-Nikkor 68 f/3.5, just
bought a mint used one (serial 740xxx) - I've searched the internet and my
old Nikon literature but no luck. Posted also a mail on the darkroom
newsgroup - nothing.
Cosmetically is more or less the same as the new EL 180, built like a tank,
heavy and solid like rock, even  compared with my good old Componon-s that's
not exactly plastic made...
It's multicoated with the usual Nikon green color.

 Need  a  recessed lens board for correct focusing on my Durst - this (and
the wide covering) suggest me that this may be a wide lens like the Componon
WA serie, probably thinked  for covering 4.5x6 or 6x6 negative format. 
Last but not least is a great great enlarging lens - exactly the quality one
can expect from Nikon!

Does anybody have infos (age, technical specifications etc)?

Thanks  a lot,
Ciao from Italy


Giuseppe Damonte 
Digital Equipment S.p.A.
Genoa Branch
Via de Marini 1 -16149 Genoa - ITALY
Phone: +39-10-6431-280 (office)

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