"Dear fellow Nikoneers (as you love to call yourself)

"Gottcha all of you german-haters!!! I'm from Slovenia and I
bet 99% of you don't know where that is.

"There was a fist of digesters with a rotten attitude
problem but most of you were O.K

"It's pretty stupid that all of you have internet access and
you use e-mail only

"Looks like our favourite topic now is how come Nikon is so
that they can't build a camera with
leave-the-film-leader-out option.  My god this is pathetic!
Why don't you ask Nikon? Switch to canon if that's the only
problem! You people make problems out of nothing."

I've been told that here is no excuse for bad manners.  So I
will start by thanking you for explaining that you are not
German.  I would hate to have anyone think that Germans
(like myself and my ancestors) pile insult upon insult in a
rude and boorish manner.  Most readers of this digest, from
all parts of the world, have finished the third grade and
know where Slovenia is; we also know that your remarks are
not representative of Slovenia.  And please don't insult us
further by giving us that "former Communist country" line.
There are fine people all over this world who have not let
the fact that they once lived under Communist regimes (and
still do) warp their attitudes or use their former or
present lot as an excuse for rude and boorish behavior.

Before you speak of the fist-full of "digesters" with a
"rotten attitude problem," perhaps you should take a good
look at your own attitude.

You also have no idea of the extent to which any of us use
the Internet.  Your accusation that we use only e-mail could
be interpreted as arrogant and spiteful; I am sure you did
mean it to be interpreted in that manner.

Finally, we will continue to debate the relative merits of
"film leader in" versus "film leader out" and other issues
as we see fit.  The fact that so many of us have contributed
to this thread should be an indication that the subject is
important to more than one or two of us.

I sincerely hope that this will be the last of this matter,
and that you will be willing to join us in a valuable
exchange of ideas.  You are obviously a very intelligent and
highly experienced person.  I look forward to your future
posts from which we can all learn and benefit from your

Bill Cassing

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