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To: nikon digest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: giancarlo cristinziano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: F70 QR

Szinte Balazs wrote:
>I just can't decide what body to buy. My budget would permit an F70, >but
>I'm hearing bad things about the interface. I always used my f301
>in A (aperture priority) or manual mode, switching while looking in the
>viewfinder. F70 users, is it possible to make adjustments (switch modes
>for ex.) without removing the eye from the viewfinder?

You can do adjustments with the F70 without removing the eye from the
viewfinder using the QR function
but you will find it very cumbersome in comparison with your old F301.
The F70 in my opinion is a very good camera and costs as half as the F90x;
Its weakest point is the interface that does not allow for speedy
adjustments unless you use the QR.
But you will push the right button in order to use the QR and I don't find
so easy to do without removing the eye from the viewfinder.
In respect to the F301, you will find difficult to make adjustments with
the F90x too.
In general, all AF bodies have lots of features that leads in some way to a
bulkier interface although the F5 and the new F100 are improved on this.
It is the price you have to pay for get a modern camera.
hope this helps

Massimiliano Marchetti

web page: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Gallery/8043

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