You were looking for a portrait lens to use on your N60.  You
currently have only the 35-80/4-5.6D lens that came with the camera.

I don't think the 50/1.8 (which is the lens I think you meant) is a
particularly wonderful portrait lens, unless you are shooting small
groups.  Generally a short telephoto lens (85mm, 105mm, sometimes
135mm) is considered best.

There is no affordable 135mm lens with autofocus for Nikons at the
moment, unless you buy a zoom that contains that focal length.  I
would suggest your best affordable options would be an 85/1.8 (used
may be a good idea) or a 105/2.8 micro.  This latter lens is a
special-purpose lens and costs close to four figures U.S. new, so it
may exceed your budget.

You should be able to get a used AF85/1.8 (non-D) for around $150-250
US.  It is a wonderfully sharp lens, and very small and light.  As an
added advantage, it lets in a ton more light than your 35-80 at 80mm
(f/1.8 versus f/5.6, which is 3 1/3 stops - a lot of light-gathering
ability).  Not only will you be able to shoot in low light, you'll
also be able to throw distracting backgrounds out of focus a lot more
easily (by using aperture priority mode and shooting with the lens
wide open or nearly so).


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