First off, I've had my N70 for about 2 years.  I do not find it 
difficult to use at all, it is very intuitive.  You just have to READ 
THE MANUAL.  Once you've gone through it, you rarely have to review it.  
The interface is different, and it is somewhat clumsy in that you just 
about have to take your eye away from the finder to set things up - but 
the Program mode with override is VERY nice.

>The setting are very readable from one LCD. It is extremely good 
>read. With good eyes and in good light. Without polaroid sunglasses. 
>When the camera is on.   The logic of F70/N70 controls is easy. I >have 
got my F70 without any literature and have no problem to use >any 
function of it.

My first complaint about the N70/F70.  Any camera that depends upon the 
display to this degree should have a backlit display.

>a) Setting fill flash compesation is need too much time. (Open the 
>flash,push, dial and watch the little arrow, push, dial and watch >the 
value.) And when you close the flash have to do it again!!

My second beef: They should have allowed the flash setting to be saved 
into one of the user programmed would be really nice to 
have one setting where the flash was set to -1.7 for fill flash.  But 
NO, and to top it off if you put the flash down it resets compensation 
to 0.  Idiot proof, I guess.

My third complaint: An "advanced amateur" body should have some means of 
depth of field preview.  The FE had it, the FE2, why not the N70?
The only reason I can come up with is to sell more of the N90s.  At over 
twice the price.

Otherwise, a very good value for the money.  It will be interesting to 
see what price point the N90s settles into now that the F100 is
out though.


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