>>      Since UV filters don't effect visible light, 
        >> they don't affect flare caused by a visible 
        >> light source in the frame.

        > Any filter, UV, sky, or otherwise introduces 
        > two air-to-glass surfaces, either of which can 
        > create or amplify flare. 

        Pardon my sloppy speech.  :O)

        I meant was that it wouldn't REDUCE the flare caused by 
        visible light.  An uncoated UV filter would ,of course, 
        contribute to visible light flare.

        The intent of the message was to explain that while a
        UV filter won't reduce flare in a single-coated lens 
        to the level that multi-coated lenses do, it will reduce
        it to a noticeable degree.

        Since my attempts at brevity seem to go awry in here, 
        there follows a second attempt:

        Step 1:
            1.  The percentage of light that gets reflected rather 
                than transmitted increases as the wavelength of the
                light decreases.
            2.  UV light has a shorter wavelength than visual light.

          We can conclude:

            Theorem 1.1 -- UV light flares badly.

        Step 2:
             1.  UV light flares badly (Theorem 1.1)
             2.  For general photographic purposes UV light provides 
                 little or no useful information in the final image.
          We can conclude:

             Theorem 1.2 -- Preventing UV from entering the lens is 
                            a good way to reduce flare.
        Step 3:
             1.  A UV filter does not significantly attenuate
                 visible light.
             2.  Visible light can reflect off of glass elements.
             3.  Coated elements transmit a higher percentage of
                 incident light than uncoated elements.
             3.  Multi-coated elements transmit a higher percentage
                 of incident light that single-coated elements

          We can conclude:
             Theorem 1.3 -- A UV filter will not reduce flare from 
                                      visible light, because visible light
                                                          still be reflected
by the internal elements.

             Corollary 1.3.a -- An uncoated filter will increase flare 
                                                              from visible
light, because it provides
                                an additional reflecting surface.

        And in conclusion:
            Don's Postulate: You can eliminate all flare from a lens by 
                             simply removing the lens elements.



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