Jordan asked:

> I don't use filters often, but can I use one UV B+W filter without problem 
> on the 20-35 zoom?


There's nothing 'magic' about Nikon filters. They are certainly high
quality, but are not measurably better than some other brands. There are
several manufacturer's of high quality filters. B+W is one, Heliopan,
Tiffen and Hoya are others. Some are better than others, but none of the
above are really bad.

Many people keep a skylight or similar type filter on each of their lenses
all the time as a means of protecting the filter threads and front lens
element. I store my cameras and lenses in hard luggage-style cases, and
usually only use a filter to create a special effect, such as using yellow,
orange or red filters with black and white film to darken the sky area, or
a polarizer or UV filter with color film to darken the sky or to increase
color saturation when there is a lot of atmospheric haze.

Best regards,

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