>        Step 2:
>          Given:
>             1.  UV light flares badly (Theorem 1.1)
>             2.  For general photographic purposes UV light provides
>                 little or no useful information in the final image.
>          We can conclude:
>             Theorem 1.2 -- Preventing UV from entering the lens is
>                            a good way to reduce flare.

You mean: A good way of preventing _invisible_ flare (by step 2.2).

>             Theorem 1.3 -- A UV filter will not reduce flare from
>                            visible light, because visible light will
>                             still be reflected by the internal elements.
>             Corollary 1.3.a -- An uncoated filter will increase flare
>                                from visible light, because it provides
>                                an additional reflecting surface.

A fully coated filter will also increase flare, just not as much.

>        And in conclusion:
>            Don's Postulate: You can eliminate all flare from a lens by
>                             simply removing the lens elements.

So how, then, does adding an element reduce flare (And I mean visible
flare, since I'm not much concerned with invisible flare)?

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