Great joke Stewart! That's hilarious. So let's start an even more
believable, silly rumor.
Nikon is renowned for it's terrific optical glass manufacture (and yes I
have visited one of the factories in Japan myself.) I'm not aware that
Canon makes raw optical glass, although they presumably polish and
assemble the lens elements.
So why not start the rumor that ALL those Canon lenses are actually
NIKON optical glass. It's possible, since Canon  sources raw optical
glass elements from somebody.
    My point is that it doesn't matter where Canon's optical glass comes
from any more than it matters whether Nikon has subcontracted some of
the AFS work. Would anyone refuse a new Jaguar 'cause it might contain a
few of the parent company's Ford parts?
paul e.
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 09:02:55 +0000
Subject: re:80-200AFS made by Canon [v04.n223/6]
Message: 6.   It is common knowledge that the new 80-200AFS is made by

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