Richard asked :
  Does anyone know various ways of connecting a N6006 with studio lights.
  What are the best and least expensive ways.

The best way, for me, is to use a hotshoe mounted flashgun, set to bounce
position.  With this, I then trigger the studio flashes.  The advantage is
that there is no long sync lead to continually trip over.  The other
advantage is, if it is a dedicated flashgun, is that it is now impossible
to set your shutter speed higher than the flash sync speed.

There is one thing to take note of though when using camers with a 250th
flash sync speed, in conjunction with studio flashes.  With some studio
flashes you get partial cut-off when using the top speed . 1/250th sec.
I'm not sure of the actual reason, but I assume it could be that some
studio flashes have some delay or a slower time before discharging,
compared to dedicated TTL flashes.  Best check first, or just use 1/125th
sync speed just in case.



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