Joel wrote
<<If you don't think you're getting fair value for your money, you know
what to do.  That's not to suggest that you shouldn't keep looking at
alternatives for accessories and buy them in cases
where you do not need whatever Nikon is offering.
(Can you believe what Mercedes charges for cheap plastic replacement
parts <g>?)>>

I agree 100%. That's what I've done. For example, I refuse to pay the
egregious price Nikon wants for a simple tripod adapter for flash. I've
found other things that can work. 
And Mercedes nothing! I have a Chevy Camaro and the plastic outside
cover (lens) for a cracked fog lamp is $100.Should be $5. And labor is
at least $40 an hour. Needless to say shops are deserted at Auto
dealerships across the country.
Still, Nikon, I'm delivering a message for thousands of users. Rip-offs
don't make you money - they cost you business. I'm hoping some recent
price reductions the company has made (for example, lenses) signals this
message is getting through. And when Nikon prices are good, hey, I say,
let's buy more products and support the company.


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