> Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 19:16:35 -0500
> From: Judy/Les <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Polarizer Filter for 20mm f/2.8 AF D Nikkor  [v04.n222/21]
> Message: 21
> Help,
> I purchased a Nikon 62mm circular polar filter for my 20mm f/2.8 AF D
> Nikkor lens with a HN-26 lens hood from B&H only to have to return it.
> The filter instruction sheet said it could not be used with the 20mm
> f/2.8 AF D lens.  [snip]

I use the 62mm circular polarizer filter on my 20mm AF-D.
I use the  HB-4 bayonet lens hood, which is plastic and
snaps on THE OUTSIDE of the lens.  It is possible to
carefully mount the polarizer inside the HB-4 by gently
screwing it in.  You manipulate the filter with your
finger tips.  Turn and adjust only in the direction
that screws the filter INTO the lens.  If you turn it
the other way, it'll fall out.  (After you do this
once, you won't forget!)

It's not perfect, but it's perfectly usable.

If you want to see what this combo can do, see the last
photo in:  http://home1.gte.net/rhashiro/photo-20mm.htm

Ron H

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