Our cryptic friend @coastalnet.com wrote in V4 #223:
> Does anyone know various ways of connecting a N6006 with studio lights.
> What are the best and least expensive ways.

Get the Nikon AS-15 PC terminal adapter(~ 20 US$).  It's a little
plastic block that fits over the flash accessory shoe and has an old
fashioned PC terminal on the front of it.  To this you attach a PC to AC
cord.(~10-20 US$, depending on length).  The AC end looks like an
ungrounded, 2 pronged, electical plug.  You then plug the AC end into
the power unit of your studio lights.

Of couse, you lose the fancy TTL flash exposure of the camera. (only the
middle pin of the flash shoe is being connected to the lights)  But the
the whole idea of studio lights is so YOU can control light.  You will
need a flash meter to determine aperture settings.  The N6006 should be
used in maual mode with the shutter speed at 1/125.

Some studio lights have a slave fuction. In which case, the
comparatively puny output from the built in flash on the N6006 can be
used to trigger the studio lights without a wire connection.

Enjoy... studio work opens up a whole new world of photographic subjects
and techniques.  You'll have fun.

Oh, BTW, you should be able to find both items at most local
photographic stores...  NOT Target :)  If the store doesn't stock the
AS-15, Wein and other makers have a similar product.

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