About a week ago this post appeared:

>Subject: Nikon F5 body cap [v04.n199/13]
>Message: 13
>I bought a new F5 two months ago in Austria and payed around $2000 (which is
>a little more tha the USA price). Nontheless, the body came WITH original
>original Nikon body cap with F5 insignia in the middle of it. I really can't
>tell how come you Americans have so much trouble when buying new equipment
>and not getting what you pay for. Beats me. In Europe everything seems to
>work just fine, except the prices, of course.

To which I replied...

>Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 22:26:44 -0500
>Subject: [none] [v04.n205/21]
>Message: 21
>Here in the States the F5 costs $1900.00.  We can buy a body cap for $10.00.  
>You paid $2000.00 *with* a body cap.
>You call that getting what you pay for?

This last message led to a personal email exchange from Mr. Lednik, which
included insults to Americans' intelligence, our inability to locate
specific European locations on a map, and the USA's immigration policy
which resulted in "jerks like" me etc.  He also promised to give out my
email address to his affluent and well-educated friends so they could
harass me through email.  (Ales also likes to point out that "America is
not the heart of the world"...he mentioned that in every email he sent.)

I think Ales is now trolling for flames.  We're beginning to waste lots of
bandwidth on the subject (this post included) and I think the best thing to
do is to ignore his posts or respond through email.  Please...let's get
back to discussing photography!


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