The F100's have finally hit Toronto. Most of the larger stores have a demo.
Don't get too excited, the rumor is that there are 80 for all of Canada. It
will still be a while before the stores have them in quantity.

I had a chance to play with the F100 today. Take the excellent balance of the
F5, put in an F90X size, and you've got an F100. This camera is sweet to
hold. I have large hands and love the feel and balance of the F100. All
controls have the F5 feel. The shutter is extremely quiet. The battery pack
has the same type of release as the F5 with the batteries mounting at the
bottom similar to the F90X. You can now switch battery packs very quickly.
Nice improvement over the 90. The 'new style" display, green on black, is
quite nice and looks quite natural and easy to read. The LED's are amazing. I
only had a few minutes with one and considered trading my F5 in on the spot.

Why would "I" trade? Don't need 8FPS. My F5 has barely been off single. Don't
need interchangeable finders. The F5 meter is amazing and I believe that if
you know how your system works, you can get great exposures out of any
camera. Don't need the weight. Most of my photography is scenic, travel along
with weddings and portraits.
Am I going to trade my F5. No. I will however purchase the F100 and it will
probably become my primary camera. I will join the "Dynamic Duo" club.

Now to the 28-105. If you've seen the 24-120, then imagine shrinking the
barrel width to fit a 62mm front end filter. Nicely built, has a macro mode.
It looks and feels quite good on the F5 and along with the 70-300, would make
a nice traveling pair. Optically, I can't tell you but since I have access to
one, I borrow it from the store and do some shooting next week. I'll keep you
posted. If the optics are good, this lens will be a winner.

This is all quite subjective as I only had about five minutes with each. We
can tear apart the F100 for any number of reasons. My biggest quibble is no
eye piece shutter [ big deal! ]. I think Nikon has a winner here. For me, the
"Dynamic Duo" will cover off absolutely everything I need. The F100 for
travel and general photography. The F5 for assignments with the F100 as a
backup. What an awesome pair.

I have the Canadian prices and will answer e-mails directly.

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