Brett, you're absolutely right about this list becoming frustrating and
sort of a let down.  I've been a subscriber for a few years and I've seen
minor spats erupt between folks (i.e. the old 'Canon vs. Nikon'
threads)...usually things get back to normal after a while, but sometimes I
feel like the general atmosphere of this list is beginning to change as
more and more people subscribe to it who *don't really care* about the
list's reputation for civility and tolerance, as well as being a great
place to exchange information with people from around the globe.
I'd like to think that things will improve in a while and treat this
diversion as a temporary thing.


At 06:52 AM 1/31/99 +1300, you wrote:
>Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 06:37:52 -0500
>From: "J. Brett Malak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: some observations about this list [v04.n224/15]
>Message: 15
>Greetings -
>I have not posted before, so allow me to introduce myself.  My name is
>Brett, and I am a 20 year old student just getting started in photography.
>After purchasing my Nikon system, I was delighted to find this list.  I
>thought it would be a great venue for me to expand my understanding of
>photography, specifically my Nikon equipment.  Since subscribing, I have
>gained some good knowledge, but my experience here has mostly been
>frustrating.  It seems that many people on this list breed a lot of
>negativity.  I've had internet access for about five years now, so I'm well
>aware that many people posting to lists like this, newsgroups, etc. often
>say some less than bright things.  It has always been my philosophy,
>however, that responding to these posts would not benefit anyone.  Rather
>than create flame wars, I would simply ignore them and move on.  This list
>has gotten to the point that it is hardly tolerable.  There still is
>valuable information here, but the number of pointless, negative posts one
>has to sift through is insane.  I find it really depressing that the list I
>joined to foster my creative interest is such a let down.  I plan to remain
>subscribed for a bit longer to see if things improve, but if nothing changes
>I think I'll need to move on.  I just ask of you that you evaluate the
>benefit of anything you have to post.  If you really feel the need to
>criticize, perhaps that would best be done via email.
>Thanks for your consideration,

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