J. Brett Malak wrote:

<snip> ......I have gained some good knowledge, but my
experience here has mostly been frustrating.  It seems that
many people on this list breed a lot of negativity.  I've
had internet access for about five years now, so I'm well
aware that many people posting to lists like this,
newsgroups, etc. often say some less than bright things.  It
has always been my philosophy, however, that responding to
these posts would not benefit anyone.  Rather than create
flame wars, I would simply ignore them and move on.  This
list has gotten to the point that it is hardly tolerable.
There still is valuable information here, but the number of
pointless, negative posts one has to sift through is insane.
I find it really depressing that the list I joined to foster
my creative interest is such a let down.  I plan to remain
subscribed for a bit longer to see if things improve, but if
nothing changes I think I'll need to move on.  I just ask of
you that you evaluate the benefit of anything you have to
post.  If you really feel the need to criticize, perhaps
that would best be done via email......



Your point is well stated and is well taken.  I would not
argue with your logic at all.  I would, however, offer some
oft unstated comments.  This list is good, very good, and
that is because we have a lot of contributors with a lot of
experience and with the willingness to share that
experience.  But, in many ways, this list is like a large
family.  We don't always agree with each other, and we ALL
are capable of saying things we shouldn't have said.
Sometimes these differences of opinion degenerate into
arguments, complete with name-calling, insults and other
offensive comments.  Fortunately the nature of the list
gives us all a chance to back off, cool off and come back to
start again.  And, yes it is true that sometimes
contributors to this list turn out to be very angry,
unforgiving, biased, or just plain spiteful.  But even those
contributors have something to say, something to teach us.
Yes, we often go far afield, but we always come back to the
purpose at hand, to learn and to teach.

Stay with us, Brett.  Learn to cut through the comments that
burn, that hurt, that anger, that frustrate.  In the middle
of the most scorching comment may lie the answer that we
have all been seeking.  I'm not trying to defend myself or
anyone else.  We are all human, we all make mistakes.  But,
please don't give up on us.  You have much to learn, and we
have much to learn from you.

Thank you

Bill Cassing

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