Greetings All,

Talk about learning something on this list!

I've always used Hoya filters, having heard somewhere years ago that they
were made by the same folks that made the Nikon filters.  I never questioned
this statement & invested in a lot of Hoya filters over the years in various
sizes.  After reading Jonathan Castner's posting, I realize that not only
was my belief incorrect, but that I should have done some testing myself!

Many thanks to all of the posters on this list.  Even after 30 years of
shooting I learn something new!  I truly appreciate everyone that posts on
this list; whether it be Nikon-related or not.

Would anyone like to buy a bunch of Hoya filters?  They won't be
cheap...I've got to get enough to buy Nikon.

Best regards,

John Wilkinson
Okie Shutterbug
Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

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