>Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 21:33:14 -0800 (PST)
>From: carlo guerrero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Nikon is Canon, Canon is Nikon [v04.n225/12]
>Message: 12
>Hi Nikoneers,
>Just check this out.  Canon's remote release is just the same as
>Nikon's, I mean it looks exactly alike.  It uses an SB-23 body!  Also,
>their version of the SD-8 battery pack for the Canon Speedlite,
>exactly the same except for the Canon stamping and plug, I suppose.
>So who is copying who?  Maybe these things are made by independent
>manufacturers?  Are they?
>I hope it doesn't go beyond this.
>Click tose shutters now.


I'm sure they are made by an independent factory. A company as small as 
Nikon cannot make every accessory, cord, remote, etc. It should be noted 
that Nikon designed those accessories many years ago way before Canon 
adopted them. My understanding is Nikon sold the license for these 
products and therefore has them as well. 

What can we say? Japan Inc.!


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