I had the opportunity to handle the F100. After the anticipation and the 
hype, I was disappointed. The feel is not as re-assuring as the F5. The 
build is good like all Nikons. It is lighter than the F5 but than the 
MB15 was not attached (not available yet). Even than it shd be slightly 
lighter than the F5. The red focus indicator is not an improved feature 
IMHO. It goes off far too quickly and it can be distracting if it stays 
on. The F5 darker (black) indicator stays on throughout the exposure 
metering. Of course the red indicator is useful at night or low light 
conditions but it is probably even more distracting in this low light 
situations. The frame is not 100% only about 90%. It is at best an 
improved F90X with the ergonomics of the F5. It is priced too high to be 
a F90X replacement and too close to the F5 to justify buying it, rather 
go for the F5. In fact in Singapore the sales of the F5 and the F90X 
went up after the release of the F100. Guess when the price comes down 
at a later time it may be replacing the F90X. 

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