>Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 23:38:20 -0500
>From: Heather Kalisiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Question about the MF-19 databack on an N2020 [v04.n225/10]
>Message: 10
>Hello all,
>    I recently purchased an N2020 with an MF-19. The
>instruction manual included was apparently for use with
>an N2000/MF-19 combo, not an N2020. There is a
>button on the MF-19 which is labelled "AF". Obviously,
>in an N2000, there is no concept of "AF", so it wasn't
>    Could someone tell me the function of this button?
>I have used MF-21's and MF-26's before, and they
>both provide an AF mode whereby focus priority is
>forced, even in manual focus mode, but this doesn't
>appear to be the case in the MF-19.
>Chris Kalisiak


It's been a long time since I handled that combination but I did some 
digging and found an old N2020 tech guide.

I quote from the guide...

"Imagine, completely unmanned photography with your pictures coming out 
perfectly focused everytime, even if your subject is at a different 
distance for each shot! In combination with the Nikon MF-19, the N2020 
does exactly that. Using the back's control panel, simply key in the 
number of pictures - in what intervals and how many -you want taken, and 
push the AF key. The N2020 will take automatically focused pictures in 
accordance with the schedule you have programmed. It's that easy!"

Sounds to me that when the interval comes up for the picture, AF will 
start to find a subject to focus on before it makes the scheduled shot.

Give it a try...


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