Harvey Gryttenholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote

>We never can be certain that the postings on this
list have much
>effect on Nikon's decisions regarding new

The warning is simply that I post this with a
frightened and queasy feeling. I have never
partaken in the infamous mud-slinging foolishness
of the Nikon vs Canon debate. I purchased N some
30 years ago and feel "locked-in" simply because
of the non-interchangeability of the products
stemming from differing lens mounts. I have NEVER
even TOUCHED a Canon. Until this past weekend that
is. I met a fellow while out photographing eagles.
(I was going to say "shooting eagles" but that
didn't sound right at all!) He had a new Canon EOS
3 behind a 300mm f/4 Canon lens. The real rub was
that his Canon 300 f/4 coupled to his Canon 1.4X
TC allowed shooting at 420mm WITH AF. I understand
that I can not do this with the Nikon 300mm f/4
AF. Furthermore Canon offer a 400mm f/5.6 AF.
Nikon does not. Adding insult to injury is the way
the Canon bodies offer a pre-release MLU function
that does not involve the old-style lever that
even the F5 employs. Those of us who have tried
using a lever at an EFL of 1120mm will appreciate
how difficult it can be without shifting the
subject in the frame even when the gear is mounted
on a very substantial 'pod & head. It takes more
time too. I am a tad envious. If Nikon is
listening . . . please shape up. There are some
definite gaps in the glass department and
deficiencies in the body options list too.
Incidentally, my interest is bird photography with
lenses ranging up to an 800mm f/5.6 Nikkor used
with the TC-14B. Wishing for a user-friendly MLU
feature and a 400mm AF option for in-flight photos
is not a mere capricious whim. I feel Nikon has
sort of "let me down" here. If I were"starting
over", I think Canon would be my weapon of choice.
As it is I find myself considering the 400mm F/5.6
Canon with a low-end body. Had Nikon been on their
toes, I would not have to ponder this (for me)
painful financial decision.

Terence A. Danks
Nova Scotia, Canada

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