> From: Gen Kanai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: the old question: AF vs. MF?

> I've owned my F3 for over a decade and it's almost a part of my right hand.
>  I've always stayed with fast manual focus prime lenses including the
> 24/2.0, 35/1.4, 50/1.2, and the great 105/1.8  

     Since 1971 I've used nothing but Nikon F2's, F3's and have the
exact same lenses you list, in addition to others.  I would never
consider parting with them under any circumstances.  
     Because I am not a professional I don't have a need for something
that has more possibilities of breaking down in order to get a job
done.  I would never take the chance of switching to AF due to the cost
and due to the fact that more "bells and whistles" equal more potential
problems, and of course more batteries.  
     Thus far I have never met a Nikon repair person and hope to keep it
that way.

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