Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>Hi all!
>I have a 500mm mirror lens that takes screw mount adapters. Is there such
>a thing as one that will let it work with My Nikons?
>Assuming it exists, will it work in Aperture priority mode?

>Thank you

>- --


I think this is probably a lens made for T-mount adapters, and on for
Nikon shure exists. It will work in Aperture prority mood or manual mood
with all Nikons, with the possible exception og F50, F60 and the Proneas.
Otherwise Hama of Germany makes (or markets?) a 42mm screwmount tio Nikon
adapter. It may contain some optics to allow for greater distance from
mount to film plane. It is quitre expensive here in Norway, about $100.00.

John M.E. Dancke
P.O.Box 98
N-4371 EGERSUND - Norway

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