Greeting All,

The demographic study is off to a good start.  It was suggested that I also
try to get the photographic interests (landscape, sports, portraits,
commercial, macrophotography, etc.) from the respondents in addition to the
other information I am getting.  If anyone missed my previous post, I am
trying to do a demographic study of the list.  Please send me your
nationality (or where you live), age, sex, equipment used, photographic
interests, whether you are a newbie, amateur, advanced amateur or
professional, etc.  None of this information will be used for any purpose
other than for this study.  I will post the results in a couple of weeks.

I was also told that a similar study had been done when the list had around
100 subscribers.  There are now over 3000 subscribers!  What I am attempting
to do may be impossible due to the shear size of it.  However, I think it
would be interesting to know.

Andrew: If you see this, please let me know if this is OK.

Sorry for the non-Nikon posting.

John Wilkinson
Okie Shutterbug
Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

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