> Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 18:17:29 -0500 (EST)
> From: Richard Mendales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: The old question: AF vs. MF? [v.04.n227/5] [v04.n229/6]
> Some of the MF equipment, in fact, still has no
> AF equivalent, such as my 28mm. F2.0; generally, the wider the angle of
> the lens, the less difference AF makes because of the increased depth of
> field.  
        Well, yes, but having the *fast* wide angles means very slim 
        DOF wide open, which makes (at least for me) focussing more of 
        a challenge -- and thus I think AF *does* help.  My presumption 
        is that if you're gonna spend the money to have a fast wide angle, 
        you'll be shooting it wide open some of the time.

        Getting back to the original question, though...

        I decided to buy an AF body and lens the very day in Kings Canyon
        Nat'l Park that I tried to photograph a black bear in a dense
        forest on an overcast day with a 300/4.5 AIS.

        I soon purchased an N90 and 80-200/2.8D.  And over the few years
        since then, I've acquired both new AFD and "new" used MF lenses.
        I continue to use my original FE2.  That's the beauty of this
        F-mount system :^)

        <small, but relavant digression>: I was in a camera shop one
        day w/ my N90 in tow, looking at used lenses under the glass
        counter.  I asked the guy if I could see the 200/4 AIS micro
        nikkor.  He was quite friendly and helpful, and as he brought
        it out, in a kidding tone he asked, "why do you want to put an 
        old MF lens on your AF body?"  Without missing a beat, I replied, 
        "Because I can!"  He smiled, laughed.  He was an EOS shooter.

        In MF I'm still using the 35/1.4 (but only because Nikon hasn't
        seen my PLEADING of the past year or so saying I want an AF-D
        with M/F clutch!!!  ... maybe they're making an AF-S version ;^),
        50/1.8E (because it weighs 4.4 oz.), 135/2.8 AIS (because it's
        fairly compact and fast), and that ol' 300/4.5 :*)

        I have been considering "replacing" the 135/2.8 with the 180/2.8D.
        That would be just for the little extra reach -- right now I use
        the 135/2.8 for travel and b'packing when the 80-200/2.8 is just
        too huge.

        And I will probably sell my 300/4.5 WHEN Nikon comes out with the 
        300/4D AF-S (thinking positive).

        I feel very comfortable shooting chromes w/ the spot meter on
        the N90 when I don't have the matrix at my disposal due to the
        non-cpu lenses.

        I do feel slightly naked when shooting w/ a flash, however, and I 
        tend to try to use AF-D lenses on the N90 when I will be using
        alot of flash (parties, people, indoors, etc.)

        So, my advice is basically the same as others -- make the
        transition gradually.  You may very well end up with one
        foot in each "world" (MF/AF), and there's nothing wrong
        with that.  Do the hokey-pokey!

Once I lay without moving for days until,       \ Christopher Somers
mistaking me for driftwood, birds landed nearby  \ Rise Technology
and began speaking in murmurs of Pythagoras       + www.rise.com
and winds that blew in the Himalayas.            /----------------------------
-> Barry Lopez                                  / Gallery: www.flash.net/~jboy

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