Hello people.

Now that the dust from some pointless stomping has settled, and tempers
have cooled, I'll restate the nature of this forum.

The purpose of this list is to discuss Nikon product.  Some common
arguments are:

- Human technique is more important than inventory, and should be
  discussed here.

  The former may be true, but does not imply the latter.  Sure enough we
  all need to be slapped back to reality when a purchasing frenzy
  threatens, but most photographic techniques are best discussed
  elsewhere.  Read on.

- The techniques described were developed on Nikon gear.

  Great, but before ask yourself this before sending in your post:
  "Would this technique be equally applicable if I were using another
  brand of camera?"  If so, don't send it to the Nikon list.  Film, the
  zone system, tripods and ball heads may be examples.  Unless, of
  course, you're seeking reassurance that Nikons won't fog IR-sensitive
  film, or you're having problems with the F6's zoned metering, or your
  new release plates won't fit under a digital F5.

- Many people will be interested.

  That may be true, but it doesn't mean it belongs here.  A good
  proportion of the readership may be interested in a drop in the price
  of beer, or a confirmed sighting of Diana, or a new studio backdrop,
  but it has nothing to do with our Nikons.

So subscribe to the rec.photo newsgroups and technique mailing lists (dig
for them with your favourite search engine).  They have wider readership,
and were created for the purpose.  If someone makes an inappropriate post
on a topic that interests you, reply to them privately.  Leave this list

Andrew Donkin                                                       Admin

P.S. if you want to reply to this post, send it to me ("owner-nikon"),
not to the list.  There are 3200 people out there who do not want to hear
your opinion regarding this.  That Diana crack was just to test your
willpower.  Nikons don't fog IR film.  There is no F6.

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