For street photography/people both MF and AF are useful but create very
different types of pictures. Of cause real manual focussing is almost
always far to slow, so you have to pre-focus and estimate distances. If
you use enough DOF this could create great pictures (if you are really
good at it, they will look a bit like the ones from William Klein; e.g.
: However, in all
pictures large parts will be in focus, not just the most interesting
With AF (read: F5) and the lens at 1.4 or 1.8 you just quickly pick out
the subject and isolate it from everything else. Since the spot-meter is
coupled to the focus sensor, what is in focus will be exposed correctly.
Some say they can do this with a Rangefinder but I doubt they are as
All in all it comes down to having one or two options how to take
Yes, AF Nikkors don't have the same feel as their MF counterparts. But I
only care for the picture. 


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