Greetings Sergio,

Thom Hogan has a great guide to night photography in his book, "The Nikon
Field Guide."  I have no connection to Thom or his book, but have tried his
guide & have found it to be accurate.

According to Thom, using ISO 100, Star trails should be shot at maximum
aperture with a 20 minute exposure.  Full moon: f/11 @ 1/125 second, Half
moon: f/11 @ 1/30, Crescent moon: f/11 @ 1/4.  Scenes lit by full moon
(minimum exposure): f/2.8 @ 3 minutes, (maximum exposure): f/2.8 @ 16
minutes, Scenes lit by quarter moon: f/2.8 @ 15-30 minutes, Scenes lit by
crescent moon: f/2.8 @ 30-60 minutes.

Don't forget reciprocity effects (check your film's guide sheet).  Exposures
longer than 30 seconds result in an oblong moon with blurred or washed-out

I recently made some exposures of a full moon using this guide & they all
came out well.  I've also taken moon-lit scenes using similar exposures
successfully.  I hope to reproduce a couple of the moon-lit scenes & add
them to my web site soon.  They're B&W, so they're not as dramatic as they
might be in color, but anything's better than nothing.

Give these a try & let us all know how they turn out.

Best regards,


John Wilkinson
Okie Shutterbug
Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

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