I have a N70, and I recently bought a T-adapter to work with my telescope
and an old manual lens (400mm f5.6)  When I tried to use the lens last
weekend, the meter didn't seem to work properly.  The lens is ALL manual, I
liked the fact that the in-focus indicator worked, but when I put the camera
in either "A" or "M" I got an outlandish shutter speed, like the N70
theought the lens was a f1.2 or something...  The f reading was just "---".
Is there a way to tell the N70 that the lens has a manual aperature ring
that I have to close down...  I had my roomate give me a meter reading off
his camera to get the shot.  The lens is really a piece of junk, I just use
it when I need a record of something, the pic's really look awful, but for
the immediate future I don't have an option (money).

Additionally, when I do get enough cash to go buying, is there a decent
400mm/500m lens out there (AF or MF) that won't cost me an arm and a leg to
get.  My camera budget isn't all that big, but I need something in this
range. I'd like to stay in the nikor family, but that doesn't seem
economically feasible..   I've thought of getting a teleconverter for the
70-300, but I've heard the teleconverters aren't a good Idea on 200-300mm
zooms...    Any recommendation/suggestions?

RStephen Winter

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