I have just received my F100 from my supplier and boy, what a piece of 
hardware. Besides the excellent performance it is ergonomically a superb 
camera for my hands.
IMHO some real plusses (in terms of ergonomics) are:
1. The grip and handling, ? as good as the F5 - for me better than the 
2. The position of the DOF button - it is exactly under your forefinger if 
you hold the camera normally
3. The Main Command dial - in the perfect position
4. The AE lock button You don't have to keep it depressed if you use Custom 
Function 21 set at 3 (NB the mistake in the manual regarding AF lock!)
5. Custom function 6 - allows you to "scroll" through AF sensors.
6. The highlighted active sensor.
7. The feel of the shutter release button

The only things I don't like are the neck strap (surely if you are paying 
that much for a body, Nikon can afford a wide strap, especially considering 
the weight), the fact that the MB-15 is not available (at least here in 
SA), the instruction manual it comes with. Since this is a "pro" camera, 
surely the manual could be more detailed in terms of flash, lenses etc. and 
have less on the basic operation (30 pages). Just my humble opinions.


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