Subject: AF-D lenses on EM body? [v04.n238/10]

>I have a chance to pick up a mint condition EM body for dirt cheap as a
>backup/travel body. Will my AF lenses (20mm/f2.8 and 85mm/f1.8) work on

Dear Brad

The EM is AIS compatible, and ALL Nikon AF lenses are AIS, so you will be
able to meter TTL.  For Non AIS lenses, just stop down to meter.  All Nikon
lenses WILL work.

Have fun - I really enjoyed the EM when they introduced the camera nearly
20 years ago.

Kwok Shiung


Subject: Nikon F-mount to SMC Takumar; FM2; HarTALK [v04.n238/11]


>1.     I have seen Pentax screw mount to Nikon F converters advertised... 
>will this work on manual and/or AF NIKON's?

All you need is a M42 converter mount, and it should work but only on stop
down meter mode - i.e. NOT TTL.

>2.      I have convinced myself that I need a second (cold weather) Nikon 
>body... considering new FM2 to replace old Spotmatic, but curious about 
>older F's.  Can I really use my AF-D lenses on an older F without damaging

>the contacts?  Any advice on whether to buy new FM2 or opt for used FA?

FA is electronic, so it may freeze in cold weather.  FM2 is in my opinion
more hardy, but lacks the multi zone metering of the FA.  You should be
able to use the AF lenses on the FM/FE/FA/F2/F3 series with no problems or
at least I haven't reached that point yet!

>3.      Can anyone provide a comparison of the following accessory for use

>with a PC and the F90X:  Nikon Photo Secretary and MC-31cable vs. NiComm 
>SoftTALK 98 and HarTALK cable (or combination thereof).  Has anyone tried 

Sorry can't help you here.

Kwok Shiung

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