> I was wondering if anyone has seen any 
        > official word from Nikon relating to the 
        > Y2K compliance of the N90s, MF-26...for 
        > that matter...all cameras (N70, N90..& 
        > accesories.. etc)?  

        No, but I don't really expect to.  I'm sure they believe 
        that they've covered their bases, but if they issue a 
        statement that they're Y2K compliant, they'd open
        themselves up to lawsuits from every photographer 
        who thinks (for whatever reason) that a Y2K bug messed 
        up their pictures.

        The only thing that I can see that could possibly be 
        affected by Y2K would be if you set an interval timer 
        or data back to take a sequence of shots that started 
        in '99 and continued into '00.   In that case, the controller 
        might think that the sequence had already ended before it

        I can't think of anything else that would use date 


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