I finally got my hands on the 80-200 AF-S.  Bought it on Monday, used it on Monday, 
fell in love with it on Monday.

So, I thought that I'd post my views on it after having used it for a few days.

I was amazed at the sheer speed with which the lens focuses and more importantly, the 
speed with which it tracks moving objects (using an F5).  Moreover, it is a very sharp 
lens.  Having used the old push pull 80-200 and the "new" two touch one, I must say 
that the S-Wave is the sharpest yet.

And, for the person that suggested that this new lens is actually made by Canon, I can 
see why someone might think that.  The look and feel of the lens, including the sounds 
it makes, seem surprisingly similar to Canon's version.  But, I really cannot believe 
that Nikon would let anyone make its high-end glass.

Now, as always, there are some things on the down side to contend with.  However, as 
with our debating the downfalls of the F5, the ups certainly out weigh the downs.

The sheer size and weight of the lens in pretty substantial.  The weight can be 
lighted a bit by removing the tripod collar, which is nice.  But, having just shot a 
HS basketball double header, I can tell you that holing that piece of glass and an F5 
for a few hours gets pretty heavy.  Plus, it's pretty big.

I use a Domke F2 and with the hood on (reversed for storage) it will NOT fit in the 
bag.  And, even with the hood off, it is too long to let the top close.

And, speaking of the hood.  That thing is HUGE!!!  I swear it seems bigger than the 
hoods on 300s and 400s.  And, I am not sure if this problem is unique to my lens or 
what, but I notice that the hood doesn't seems to stay on tightly.

That is, Nikon has used a bayonet type mount for the hood, so all you have to do is 
twist it on.  But, in walking around, the hood seems to wiggle loose.  Has anyone else 
had this problem???

But, as I said, I fell in love with this lens.  I believe that slowly, over time, this 
will become one of the most important lenses Nikon has ever made.  It's that good.

Hope this didn't bore everyone too much.


P.S. FWIW, I paid $1,500 USD at a local shop in Iowa for a USA/5 year warranty.  I 
thought it was a fir price.  It's less than what B$H wanted for gray market.

Palmieri Photography

Michael L. Palmieri



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