Mark A. Daigle
>I was wondering if anyone has seen any official word from Nikon relating
>the Y2K compliance of the N90s, MF-26...for that matter...all cameras


I haven't seen anything official from Nikon regarding the Y2K compatability
issue but I will offer my .02 (albeit CDN.)

I'll start with my usual disclaimer. "I've been working on the Y2K
compatability issue for close to year now for a large Telelphone Company up
here in Canada. I have dealt with this on both a software and hardware
point of view. I have dealt mostly with building control systems etc. so I
don't profess to to an absolute expert on the subject but I do have a very
good handle on what is and isn't Y2K compliant and why.

IMHO, there should be no need to worry about cameras or their accessories
such as the MF-26. While I agree that the MF-26 accepts dates, it doesn't
use them to calculate anything. Basically the MF-26 is only an elapsed
timer. If anybody has any other ideas I'd be happy to listen to them.

Terry Graham A.Sc.T. Y2K Co-ordinator
SaskTel - Buildings Design/Construction

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