> From: "Alan & Catherine Logue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Filter Holders. [v04.n241/13]
> Message: 13
> Ok, I admit defeat.
> I've just gone and purchased a Lowepro bag to condense my gear for a trip to
> the states. Everything fits fairly well until I come to my 77 and 62mm
> polarisers, and 62mm 6T.
> The Nikon square cases are fine when you have heaps of space, but what are
> other listers using to carry these and not waste space?


I faced the same dilemma as you do.
Here's what I did:
        - got a 72 mm lens Nikon cap for the Nikon 62 mm Polarizer.
        - stacked the polarizer onto the 6T filter
        - put a filter stacking cap at the back of the 6T filter
        - for the 77 mm polarizer, I got a 82 mm Pentax snap-on cap
        for the front, and a 77 mm cap for the back (the 77 mm cap
        slides over the threads.
Thus, I end up with two compact packages. If I only use my 62mm glass
(like 35-70 and 20) I only bring the 6T/62mm pol.

A respectable pro shop should carry these caps. I rejected the 77 mm
stacking cap because the cost approx. USD 50, the slide on cap was
about USD7.


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