From: "Alan & Catherine Logue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Filter Holders. [v04.n241/13]
Message: 13


No doubt you'll get plenty of advice, but here's what works for me:

77mm Nikon Polarizer:  "Clamshell" type case intended to hold three 3 1/2
inch computer floppy discs.  These are widely available in computer stores
in America.  Mine is/was made by 'MediaMate', but anything similar holding
three to five floppy discs will work.  A little foam padding is nice but
isn't really necssary.

62mm Nikon polarizer:  B&W filter case intended for B&W 72 & 77mm
polarizers.  (Works great for Heliopan 77mm polarizers, which I prefer to
B&W!  But Heliopan furnishes a lousy case.)

6T, 5T:  B&W filter cases intended for B&W 62mm polarizers.

I find it prudent to put large, thick rubber bands on each of these.  The
B&W case closures are secure enough for studio use, but for outdoor or
sports need a little extra help.  The floppy cases don't really need a
rubber band, but I use one on each anyhow.  Using these cases wastes
virtually no space, and each filter is accessible individually (vs. using a
multiple-filter case system).  I've dropped all of these one time or
another, with no damage to the filters.

I haven't yet found anything really suitable for the Canon 77mm 500D, and
the original plastic box it came with is now rather beat up.  Advice, anyone?

Hope this helps.


>I've just gone and purchased a Lowepro bag to condense my gear for a trip to
>the states. Everything fits fairly well until I come to my 77 and 62mm
>polarisers, and 62mm 6T.
>The Nikon square cases are fine when you have heaps of space, but what are
>other listers using to carry these and not waste space?

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