>>Having long been a proponent of supporting local camera shops, I had a
awakening today. The salesman (who knows me well) at the store where I've
spent thousands of dollars for Nikon bodies and lenses over the years
refused to let me see a F-5!<<

I'm surprised they don't have a demo to let folks play with.

>>I was trying to decide if I wanted a new F-100 or if I should spend the
extra money for the F-5. I've handled the F-100, but not the F-5 and was
wondering if the weight difference would sway me. I was told that it was
the store policy that if a customer handled the F-5 he would have to buy
it!?! At first I thought he was joking and laughed. He said that if they
let "just anyone" handle it they would have to spend a lot of time with
gawkers. I explained that I had probably paid a good portion of his kids
college fund with the money I'd spent in the store. He shrugged his
shoulders and asked if I wanted him to ring up the camera. "No thanks," I
responded sarcastically, "I'll just buy it mail order..."<<

I would have ask to speak to the manager of the store, and see if he acted
the same way as the salesman, and if he did, I'd just be a memory in 'that'
store. And if you haven't, I'd would talk to the Manager, or owner about the
problem. That salesman just may need to find another line of work!

>>Several weeks ago the "new guy" behind the counter was surprised as he
watched me change lenses on my N-90s with film in the camera. He told me I
had ruined the film inside by taking the lens of the body and letting light
inside! This seems to be the level of knowledge that is getting more common
these days.<<

I only deal with salesman that I've know for several years. I call ahead to
see if they are there, and usually do my business over the phone. I have my
stuff waiting in 'will call' when I get to the shop. I usually make a run
through the used stuff, and then pick up my goods and out of there in
minimum time.

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