i had a similar problem with pete's photo world in cinci ohio.  i
had already invested in several thousands of nikon gear and was thinking
about the F5.  i wanted to feel it in my hands, see if the AF was all it
was cracked up to be, and just see if it was something i would be
interested in.
    needless to say i got the same, "can't show it to you unless you buy
it," line and promptly left.  i hadn't done a lot of business with them
(they recognized me when i came in)  so i didn't feel i could make the
"paid for your kids college" statement.  i recently acquired my F5 and
love it so far (AF is SSSOOO much better than N90s)
   i've also had problems with B&H.  i've done almost $6000 worth of
business with them, and haven't been treated good all the time.  i had a
problem when i ordered my F5 (i ordered a filter for my 24 and they sent
me a diopter for an FM, i think) so i called customer service and didn't
really get any.
    i e-mailed henry posner and he "informed the customer service
reps."  great.  my next purchases will not be through pete's or B&H.
    i know there was a big fuss made over B&H and the F5 pricing
discrepancy, i don't want to start a whole nother thing on that....just
relating my experiences.
    with as much money as we all spend, maybe we should open our own
damn store!!

just my .02,

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