> I have a few questions regarding my F601, hope that some one has the
> answers to :
> The first is regarding the fill flash using the built in speedlight.
> According to the catalogue of the F601 (I lost the manual), matrix balanced
> fill flash, the matrix meter would eavluate the scene's exposure and fires
> the flash controlling output for a balanced fill.
> (1) If I were to use the Spot meter to expose for a certian part of the
> scene, and use the speedlight, will the camera still fire it as a matrix
> balanced fill flash ? If not, will it give a fill output based solely on my
> spot metering ?

The flash is always metered by a center-weighted flash metering cell
located in the mirror box. The matrix/center-weighted/spot metering
modes are used for ambient metering.
So, in spot balanced fill flash, you have to meter the background with
the spot, recompose while holding the AE-lock button and fire. The flash
will fill in your foreground while the background will be exposed based
on your spot metering.

> (2) According to the catalogue, there is also a standard TTL flash mode
> available, what difference is this, if any, compared to using the matrix
> balanced fill flash ?

In balanced fill flash, the flash output may be corrected to better
balance ambient and flash lights. I guess the speed may tend to be a bit
slower as well.
This said, I've noticed little difference between both (due to the fact
that speed is restrained to a narrow range) and use almost exclusively
the balanced fill flash. I have not noticed any underexposure problem in
balanced fill flash.

> (3) On the camera, there is a slow sync mode available. What happens when I
> select this mode and use the fill flash compared to simply selecting a
> slower shutter speed and using the flash in shutter priority mode ?

The slow synch just let the speed go down to 30s, to better balance the
background. Tripod recommended of course. You can also do that in S or M
mode, manually.
> (4) When I make flash compensation by adjusting the flash output, am I
> changing the amount of fill flash already determined by the camera i.e. the
> strength of the fill  or do I have a total control, dictating exactly how
> much of the flash to fire ? In other words, am I changing a predetermined
> amount of flash or am I dictating the amount of flash the camera has to
> fire ?

In balanced fill flash, the flash output may already be corrected. If
you want to impose your own, you better start from standard TTL. The
same is true for ambient metering: exposure correction on top of matrix
metering is nonsense (IMHO), as you have little clue about what the
camera is thinking.
If you want to control the fill your self, the best way is to switch to
M mode, standard TTL, meter the ambient metering in spot and correct the
flash output yourself. Works even if not fast...

> Lastly, is regarding the exposure compesation on the 601. For the 601,
> shutter and aperture change is 1 full EV. However, the exposure compesation
> allows 1/3 EV changes. When compensation is not in full EV changes, display
> doesn't show it. So, assuming I choose a - 1/3EV compensation, the exposure
> values given is exactly the same as no compensation is made. I assume it is
> because the camera doesn't display anything less than 1 EV changes. The
> question is : does the camera alter the aperture or shutter speed by 1/3EV
> to achieve the compensation ? Or does it do so in some other way ?

It depends on the mode. In P mode, the compensation is performed along
the program curve. Generally, this means that both speed and aperture
are affected. In A or S mode, the chosen parameter is fixed and the
correction is performed on the other. The camera has stepless control on
the shutter speed and aperture, so, don't worry, correction is
performed, even if smaller than 1 stop.

Hope this helps,


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