
        The F100 has made it's way to central California, so they are probably
available in Antarctica (everything is slow getting here). I held one
today, gawking like one who is heavily inbred, and couldn't shake the
idea that I was holding a Canon (please don't start the debate).
        I also met a friend that I found out was a F5 owner, as he was in the
store, considering buying another. I must admit that I had looked
askance at folks who would pay for an F5, and I realized that my
perspective was wrong. My friend is not a show-off, or a spend thrift.
We make about the same in any month, so it is not the "rich guys" that
buy them. What I saw in his eyes is the same thing I demonstrate when I
hold a Martin, Larivee, or Taylor guitar. I saved for two years to buy
my last guitar, and folks called me crazy when they learned what I paid,
for what they consider just a wooden box with strings. They don't know
how I feel when I strike that perfect chord, the tone is there, and it
carries like ringing a bell. I think I know what what I saw today on the
face of the F5 owner. You can see it on my face wherever I find a coffee
house with an open microphone. 
        If you've never felt it, I can't describe it. If you haven't had it
happen with SOMETHING by the time you are full grown, you probably never
        To the folks who want an F5, I hope you can find a way to obtain your
dream camera, and enjoy every shot. You deserve it.
        Adios amigos y amigas.

                                  Bill Hilburn Jr.
                        (smarter now than he was yesterday)

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