Can't resist the temptation of the AF-S 80-200/2.8D; it's a awesome lens

just by reading the spec alone, 5 ED glass. So, I finally bite the
bullet and brought the lens this week. Went through one roll of Fuji
Superia 200 today and got the prints (3R) back.

What can I say? Those prints are tack sharp but without the usual high
contrast of the other Nikkors. Excellent resolution and highly
saturated color indeed. Like the Canon 'L'? or may be Carl Zeiss... Will

continue taking a few more pictures during the holiday to get a full
assessment. It goes well with my F5 but is 'heavy'. Though when I tried
the lens in the shop with the F100, my impression was surprising 'light'

and easy to hold and shoot for a long period; because I was playing it
for almost half an hour then. The latter combo may be better if you have

to hand hold for a extended period of time. The AF of course is ultra
fast and accurate with no hunting at all in both cases.

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