Hello to one and all,
    It appears that many of you have a terrible local camera shop! On the
other hand, are some of you you, just too critical? Or do you expect to own
a piece of someone when you make a purchase?
    Photography is a hobby or it is a living. Either way, you make your
purchase of the equipment that you need and off you go; to make photographs.
If the equipment breaks, you expect good service from the store that you
purchased the gear from or at least; their acting on your behalf if the
equipment needs to be sent to the manufacturer. Other than this, what is it
that the store owes you? Absolutely nothing!
    If the store offers accessories; photofinishing; framing; chemicals
etc.; you expect fair pricing and stock of the items that you use the most.
If you want a great price, you need to go to a distributor who sells a lot
more than your local dealer and has better margins through large quantity
purchases from the manufacturer. Just don't expect the friendly smile,
courteous greeting or extra time to assist you with your purchase.
    I buy a lot of photo equipment from my local dealer. The staff is pretty
well up to date on all of their product lines and all of them have enough
photo knowledge to help even the most discerning customer with his or her
questions. If they aren't in the know, they'll find out the information and
get back to you promptly. If you have knowledge of something that they
haven't been apprised of yet; they're appreciative of your sharing the
    I purchased an F5 recently from my local shop. The price was about 15%
more than the best prices advertised by the big mail / phone order dealers.
I was allowed to try a demo model before making the purchase.After
purchase,I was given a 45 minute training course by the manager of the
store, who also threw in the following: Magic Lantern "F5" instruction book;
a set of Lithium batteries; an F5 camera strap; a BF-1a body cap and a 36
roll of Velvia. In total, he spent a couple of hours with me on this sale. I
could make photographs with the F5 when I left the store and I'll continue
to patronise this store for many years to come. Worth the 15%.? You can bet
your bottom dollar.!
    What's my point? Some of us are lucky to have such a great store nearby.
Those who aren't can do yourself a favour and help your local dealer to
serve you better by being patient and sharing and constructive with the
criticism. It's a two way street and both can can benefit. You get more
flies with honey than you do with vinegar.
    I'm sure this'll be controversial. I'm ready for the flames. If I've
made you think this over a bit, good. If I've upset you, so be it.

" By concentrating on precision, one arrives at technique;
But by concentrating on technique, one does not arrive at

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