Fellow Nikoners:

I have a N70 and a SB-26 flash.  I plan to take some portrait type pictures
at an upcoming trade show.  I need to come away with some high quality pix.
I would appreciate your suggestions on an optimal set-up.

Questions in my mind:

1) Do I need to get some sort of bracket to raise the flash up higher?  If
so, any recommendations?
2) I assume that I'll have a high ceiling, so can't do bounce flash.  Should
I use some sort a diffusion device?  Is there some sort of softbox that
would attach to the flash?
3) I hear that some people set the flash to underexpose by a stop of two.
Does that make sense in this application?
4) Is there any advantage to use rear-curtain sync here?
5) Would it help much to get a second flash to use as a slave?  Will the
N70/SB-26 still TTL meter properly?
6) (I hate to ask but...) It there a better suited flash that I might get
for this job?

TIA for all your advice and guidance.

Dave Bloomquist
Roswell, GA

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