> Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 21:08:43 -0600 (CST)
> From: Coleman Locke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Strap recommendations for N90S [v04.n226/7]
> Message: 7
> Maybe this is a dumb question, but what kind of strap do you all like for a
> camera such as the N90s?


I use OpTech straps on all of my camera bodies, another on my camera bag, another on 
bag in which I carry my film and "odds and ends", and yet another on my tripod.

Before I bought one, I asked several people who I saw using them what they thought of
them. I also asked if the gear bounced due to the "stretchiness" of the strap. Everyone
I asked said how great the straps were and that there was no significant bounce.

I bought two for my F4Es and immediately enjoyed them. During my next trip to the 
shop, I bought the others mentioned above.

Wide straps are better than narrow ones, especially with have cameras like my F4Es. The
strap on the camera bag helps immensely.

A feature that I really like is that near where the strap is attached to the camera
body, there are "Fastex" clips. When I fly with the military to do air-to-air
photography, I always leave the strap behind and just join the two clips together.
Someone sensible at OpTech thought of having opposite halves of the clips on opposite
sides. That leaves a suitable handle to carry the cameras to and from the plane and can
be unfastened while I'm working

Jeff Rankin-Lowe

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